How to order

Order by Online

Kuub Cosmetics Onlineshop uses a cart system to make shopping easy and accurate for our customers. The cart system uses SSL encryption to ensure that the information you enter cannot be seen by any third party.

When you have decided on the items you wish to purchase, please click the button. When you have decided on all the items you wish to purchase, click on the <Order Process> button. If you decide not to purchase an item, check the "X" next to the item name to remove it from the cart.

Select a payment method and enter your information. After checking carefully, click the "Submit" button. You will receive a confirmation email in a few minutes.

Order by FAX

If you are not comfortable shopping online or do not have an email address, Kuub Cosmetics accepts orders by fax 24 hours a day.

Fax number: 1-808-947-5410 Please include the following information with your order to ensure a smooth ordering process.

- Your name - Your address - Your telephone number - Product name + quantity to be ordered - Payment method (bank transfer or credit card) If paying by credit card, please provide card number, expiration date, and security code

Order by E-mail

We also accept orders by e-mail. Please contact us at